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Головна Нові надходження до електронної бібліотеки Guidelines for preparation of graduate thesis educational and qualification level of “master” specialties 056/292 “International Economic Relations”

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Guidelines for preparation of graduate thesis educational and qualification level of “master” specialties 056/292 “International Economic Relations” PDF Друк e-mail
Вівторок, 18 грудня 2018, 11:29

Guidelines for preparation of graduate thesis educational and qualification level of “master” specialties 056/292 “International Economic Relations”

Shkurupiy O. V.

Guidelines for preparation of graduate thesis educational and qualification level of “master” specialties 056/292 “International Economic Relations” / O. V. Shku-rupiy, I. A. Artemenko, A. L. Flehantova. – Poltava : PUET, 2017. – 48 p.

In accordance with the Regulations of the organization of educational process in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and qualification characteristics and educational and professional training programs theoretical and practical training students specialties 056/292 “International Economic Relations” completes the execution of the thesis and its defense to the State Examination Commission.

Implementation of the thesis is the final phase of training that gives the right to receiving of level master qualification. Thesis is the result of an independent comprehensive study of one of the international economy problems.

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