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Advances in Research on Food Aroma Recovery PDF Друк e-mail
Четвер, 01 лютого 2018, 10:54

Advances in Research on Food Aroma Recovery

Dubova H. Yе.

Advances in Research on Food Aroma Recovery : monograph / H. Yе. Dubova ; edited by A. T. Bezusov ; English Translation : V. I. Voskoboinyk, N. I. Rudenko. – 2nd edition. – PUET, 2017. – 187 р.

ISBN 978-966-184-287-7

The monograph advances scientific discussion of the issues related to the development of food aromatization processes. The research introduces an original scientific concept - creation of fresh flavors in foods is based on reactions of flavor precursors. Fatty acid composition of plants, antioxidant activity, and oxidation reduction potential are described as factors influencing the course of reactions. The study includes practical examples of flavor restoration by using PUFA found in the raw plant material.

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